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Estate Clearings are the removal of negative energies, entities, and attachments in various forms. Discordant energies affect Estates/Homes, Businesses, and properties as well as the individuals that work or live there. Over the years I have seen countless situations as to why energies attach themselves to places and while there are similarities, no two are alike. Reasons can range anywhere from a Loved one trying to make contact to demonic forces. Listed below are some examples given.
Estates/Homes: Divorce, death or tragedy has occurred. Antiques, artifacts, objects, imprints, portal openings, discarnate souls, curses, spells, demonic, paranormal actvity, remodel or disturbance to the grounds of the property. Properties that won't sell.
Properties: Trauma or tragedy from current or past timelines. Such as war, battlegrounds, Native American Lands, rentals, Bed and Breakfasts, nearby cemeteries, funeral homes, hospitals, dead zones.
Business: High employee turnover, decline in sales, history of accidents, relocation, historical buildings. Hauntings, employees feeling drained, lack of focus and creativity, inheritance.
Noticeable signs are sleep disturbances, fatigue, a non-physical presence, physical contact. Items being moved on their own. Rooms you avoid, odd smells. Scratching in walls, uneasy feelings, devices acting erratic, changes with children and pets. Seeing dark figures, psychic attacks.
Every Clearing is unique, and the amount of time and work varies depending upon what is required. Tunning into the property, I am guided by the Divine as to what needs to be accomplished. Working on multidimensional levels each space is cleared of discordant energies. Channeling Light Language I raise the vibration of the energetic fields. The feeling of heaviness is then lifted off returning the property to a state of peace. Grids of protection are placed over the surrounding area, and Blessings are given. In most cases, personal cleansing are also necessary.
When buying or selling Estates/Homes, businesses, or rental property, Clearings are recommended. It is important to clear any energy that was left from previous owners. When selling property, potential buyers find it more desirable.
Once the property has been cleared you will receive Divine guidance to assist you in understanding what was occurring. Along with suggestions for change and how to move forward. The service we provide is a specialty. If you are seeking assistance, please contact me below. Clearings are performed locally and remotely.
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